2022 JULY
iApparel Journal Quarterly Issue
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Andrew Sia

Hello Readers,
We are entering into the third quarter of 2022 already. We haven’t seen any improvements of the war in Ukraine since February 24, 2022, and it is already four months. I believed that as Putin’s original plan he thought that he could have taken over Ukraine in a matter of weeks. Since then, it has dragged down the world’s economy, created hunger to the under developing countries, and caused the regugees from Ukraine to spill in the millions to the European countries. We learned that many of them have entered into Poland.
And because of the instability in the Northern Europe, the Nordic countries are a geographical and cultural region in Northern Europe and Northern Atlantic, countries like Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden are under the immerse pressure. As the result, Finland and Sweden are granted to become members of the NATO. Ukraine has received the assistance which has never been expected. All of these are caused by the deed of Russian President Vladimir Putin and who is becoming the war criminal in the eyes of many. On the other hand, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, has gained the full support from the Western World.
This has left Xi Jinping, President of China, in an awkward position as earlier on he vowed to support Russia “without limit” and obviously he has banged his head on the wall now.

These days we have seen the sinking of the floating restaurant, the Jumbo Restaurant, which was towed out of Aberdeen Harbor in Hong Kong on June 14. The 260-feet, three story restaurant capsized and sank as it was being towed through the water by the Paracel Islands. It is the water of a chain of disputed islands in the South China Sea where China, Vietnam and Taiwan lay their territorial claims. It was reported that it was sunk in the water of over 1,000 meters, or 3,280 feet and made it extremely difficult to carry out any salvage work. But later there was another report which said that it was only belly up and upside down.
I believed that there are a thousand ways of erasing the memories of the Hongkongers. This is simply too scornful and take all the people of Hong Kong as fools. Perhaps in the mind of the rulers of Hong Kong that for a change it is now only the fish can visit a sea food restaurant without being cooked.
This is only one of the most remarkable symbols of an era that people would still treasure.
We will give you a briefing about the contents of this July issue.
– Andrew Sia
Founder & Publisher
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Quarterly Issue !
Special Report
Global Fashion and Exhibition Calendar - July to December 2022 | By Andrew Sia

I have always been emphasizing the importance of tradeshows to our industry. That is the reason why we have made the article a permanent feature to tell our readers to go to their nearest cities to attend. I want to emphasize that the U.K. tradeshows are generating £11 billion in revenue in every year. Knowing that a lot of those new migrants from Hong Kong, those with the marketing expertise and product knowledge in their trade will definitely find these tradeshows important for them.
Tradeshows and exhibitions are full of positive energy. There are a lot of synergies that can be created.
Our journal will continue to feature more and perhaps also expand to the other business categories if this can be proven as useful to our readers.
Market Intelligence | By Andrew Sia
Market Intelligence Short Read - Part 1
The retail landscape has changed a lot after the outbreak of the pandemic in the beginning of 2020. Every brands and fashion retailers are trying to find way to survive.
For China market, it is known for the luxury market in recent years and because of the Covid, the Chinese tourists are not traveling and actually the recent lockdowns in its major cities, especially Shanghai and Beijing, are taking the effect on the business.
The disruption of the supply chain is also affecting the fashion merchandise and retailers are having another problem to solve. Now the people’s life are returning to normal and the seasonal fashion is becoming important.

Market Intelligence Short Read - Part 2

During this time, the market is still struggling because of the pandemic, the failing of the supply chain, the inflation, the war in Ukraine and some business mismanagements which can also be inevitable.
Honestly speaking, I haven’t experienced any period that can be more difficult than it is now. But having said that, the continuous to find new ideas, new concepts and improving the operations would help the business to survive.
Thirteen Reasons to Thrift: Why Resale Apparel in the Future of Retail & Sustainability?
By Caroline Kopas
I would like to outline the thirteen points as written by Caroline Kopas, who would become an activist for the sustainability eventually.
The thirteen outlines are:
- It’s a Reliable & Growing Industry
- It’s Affordable
- You Can Find Treasures
- There’s A Wide Variety of Goods
- You Can Limit Waste
- You Can Support Small Businesses
- You Can Shop With Less Guilt Part 1 (Concerning Sustainability and Human Rights)
- You Can Shop With Less Guilt Part 2 (Concerning Goods with Limited-Use and Children)
- Better Fit & Feel
- It Can Be A Sign to Corporations That Sustainable Practice Is the Way to Go
- It Can Be a Way to Create A Unique and One-of-A-Kind Wardrobe
- You Purchase Can Serve a Charitable Purpose
- It Can Be Fun!

Twenty Key Silhouettes for Swimwear | By Andrew Sia
This is from an article I read from the New York Times. I have to give the credit to Stella Bugbee who contribute the article. But of all the styles, she picked only the one-piece and the shapes have been those already in exitance in the market for many years already. It is more emphasized on the price ranges which perhaps were more meant for the consumers.

Like I mentioned in the article that there is the lack of bikinis and prints. In my understanding that they ought to be attractive and perhaps more appeal to the consumers. But anyway ……..
With some enthusiasm, I came across an article followed by it with the title of “What Makes A Bathing Suit So Expensive To Produce” by Jessica Testa. I was planning to feature it, but found that the scope was very narrow and it won’t be raising any conversation point. I stopped to write about it. But if you are interested, you can find the article from the New York Times Sunday, June 19, 2022 issue.
I still missed my days of production and the combination of lingerie and swimwear was a very beautiful combination.
Fashion & Design
Brand Intelligence: Early Summer Colorful Sports Category in Multi Façade | By InDesign
This article is introducing a post-90s girl, Lindsey Carter, and her brand—SET ACTIVE. She has successfully launched the brand in Los Angeles. It is a combination of sports-and-work attires and she has executed it cleverly.
I like her seven-color palette with seven silhouettes. Again they are cleverly done.
Her sharp eyes in colors is very useful and it adds another layer that attracts the consumers.
Perhaps her working experience in production and in social media has helped her to build up the brand. She deserves all the success that she has been pursuing.
In October last year, SET ACTIVE founder Lindsey Carter managed to make it to the Forbes 30-30 Under Celebrity list. Her hard work has earned her the honor that she deserves.

Special Feature: The Highest Level of Femininity | By InDesign

I came across this article by IN-Digest and was totally in a strong emotion and wanted to tell the people the beauty of feminineness. This was brought out from the hands of the sculptor, Gosia, by the ballerina’s movements of Eleonora Abbagnato, and through the photographer’s eyes of Alexander Yakovier.
I hope that you can appreciate the same and share this article to your friends.
CORSET REPORT 2022 | By Genevieve Redding
It is a piece which brings back the trends before, and during the course of time, it is becoming inspiring once again. I am happy that Genevieve captured it and made this report with the different themes brought out at this time by the brands.
Corset to our understand was the foundationwear that was once used to shape the feminine body, but today it is supposed to be wear-to-be-seen.
Corset is a manifestation of the underwear-as-outerwear trend, where lingerie elements are integrated into everyday dressing.

Fashion Quote: “If a woman smiles, her dress must also smile” by Madeleine Vionnet
Written by : Andrew Sia | Illustrated by : Elita Lam
I am unfamiliar by the name of the couturier, Madeleine Vionnet, but I was taken away by those pieces of garments that the fashion museum, Victoria & Albert, collected. Later I found out that she was famous for the bias-cut, a technique of cutting across the grain of a textile to produce a carefully draped silhouette which clung naturally to the body.
Bias-cut garments may appear simple, but their cut and construction are in fact complex, and always immaculately executed. I recalled in our first days of making woven lingerie, by observing the fabric-grain was absolutely important. In 1925 British Vogue hailed her as “perhaps the greatest geometrician among all French couturiers”.

Vionnet was instrumental in introducing copyright laws for fashion design, and for promoting favorable working conditions – her employees enjoyed paid holidays, maternity leave, an on-site dentist, doctor and canteen. That was incredible even to today’s standard.
At the outbreak of the Second World War, Vionnet closed her couture house, retiring in 1940. Having always shunned the limelight, her name faded fast, but she was rediscovered by fashion historians later in the 20th century. Despite only operating for around 25 years under her own name, Vionnet’s influence on fashion is still felt today: her bias-cutting technique has been widely imitated and today’s designers often cited her as an inspiration.
Madeleine Vionnet was found quoted, “If a woman smiles, her dress must also smile.” I hope that woman should agree more.
Market Report | By Andrew Sia
Market Report Short Read - Part 1
With our first report, we have focused on the invasion of Russia in Ukraine and the problems that it has brought out. It has created disruptions for the natural gas supply to Europe and other logistic matters. The overdependence of energy from Russia is taking effect on those European countries, especially for Germany.
All of the sudden, the geopolitical tension has been building up in the Arctic region.

Market Report Short Read - Part 2

At this time the world has more problems than it can handle and all the troubles started from the Covid-19 in 2020. We are in our second year now and it has caused disruption with our supply chain as lockdowns of different countries have cut off the supply we have built over the years through the globalization.
This year we have seen the war started by Russia on its neighbor Ukraine has created the global geopolitical tensions. It further created disruption on supply of the energy, mineral supplies and agricultural products.
On one hand we have the global pandemic, and on the other hand we have concerns over the war in the northern part of Europe which can extend over Europe and may even expand over Asia.
The world has entered into a period of the Great Uncertainty.
Market Report Short Read - Part 3
We noticed that because of the Covid, the war in Ukraine, and all these have constrained our world. They are driving up food prices, inflation and shortage along the supply chain. We have Covid since January 2020, but in Wuhan they have it already in November 2019, knowing that it is an important manufacturing hub in China, its effect must be big and continuous. But under the authoritarian, how many true figures can we believe is always very questionable.
This summer vacation we have already seen many of the trips have to be cancelled because of the lack of personnel in the traveling industry.
What the picture was showing as the Germans enjoyed their beers at the pub, knowing that they have a shortage of beer bottles.
When I was writing this excerpt, I have Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush’s Don’t Give Up playing. It was meant for a relative who is serious ill, but the world is also seriously affected by all these adverse situations. All I can say is “Don’t Give Up Our World”.
China the Giant Juggernaut - Part 11 | By Andrew Sia

Being the world’s second largest economy and under the paramount leader of Xi Jinping, China is under the spotlight every day. For the last three years the news are all becoming very controversial. And being amplified by its propaganda machine it is causing a lot of ripples.
Talking about the world entering in Cold War again which is not something we would like to see. The world has a lot of challenges to solve and unfortunately they are one after the next. With the coronavirus, we have still to take the correct measure to contain the virus, and with the war in Ukraine started by Russia, we hope that we can see a truce soon.
China has to come to an agreement with the Western world for what they can do to release the tension. By handling over the olive branch is something we would all like to see.
Progress Report on the Paris Climate Agreement - Part 16 | By Andrew Sia
We reported the forthcoming COP27 in November will be held in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.
The world has found the invasion of Russia in Ukraine triggered the oil to reach an all-time high. Nobody is talking about moving into renewables because the oil companies and investors are enjoying the dividends and reducing of the carbon emissions can perhaps come later. Obviously the agenda has been switched.
Renewables have also faced the challenge, especially the wind farms in Germany and Italy. Other countries have applied strict regulations with the development of wind farm.
We feel that we should continue to bring awareness to our readers or otherwise the Earth will have a lot to lose.
We found that at this time Vietnam has taken the initiative to encourage the solar-power suppliers to supply power. It is today the world’s tenth-biggest producer of solar power. The country is also the biggest supplier of the mobile phone and its garment and textiles has come up as second largest export of its country. We are very impressed for their achievement in the last four years.

Globalization Needs Reinvigorate - Part 5 | By Andrew Sia
Globalization is today upended by the Covid pandemic and the war in Ukraine. It is the situation never experienced by anyone of us. The straining of the container ships at the sea ports, shortage of shipping containers, shortage of longshoremen, lacking of the trucks and the drivers, the storage of goods ……….
We have no solution until we have brought our readers to read about the robotic manufacturing where there is a hope. We brought out Singapore, a country of less than 6 million inhabitants, as an example. Their success can always be used as a case study.
Entrepreneurship & Business
Things to Consider When You Are Starting Your Business in a Foreign Country
By Andrew Sia
This was written for the business starters, especially for those who have migrated to a new country and would like to start their own businesses. Altogether I have put eight points for consideration. And of course understanding the market is the most important. Don’t ended up by selling ice to the Eskimos, so to speak, and don’t ship coal to New Castle.

Remarkable Retail: Steve Dennis | Reported by Terri Fisher

This book report is written by Terri Fisher, a veteran in the retail world in the United States. I have always said that before this pandemic, it would take any changes in the industry five to six years, and now it is only a matter of months. We learned that if we don’t change and react quick enough, we would be running over by the tsunami.
I hope that our readers will read the book report thoroughly and will also buy the book and keep it handy for any references. There are so many valuable points for consideration.
2022 Coronavirus Regional Report
Coronavirus Regional Report - April
We have seen the global cases are winding down, but because the Omicron is less contagious, many of the infected are told to take the medication and get heal by taking the rest by themselves. It is impossible to know the exact number of cases anymore. I have the impression that the number of cases are never accurate because of the attitude taken by the different governments.
I have also stayed away from taking China’s cases into account as it is still pushing for the zero-Covid policy which is probably more for the political reason than the benefit of its people.
I am trying to find a better way to present the situation to the readers rather than using the format that I have been using. I am still thinking the way to do it.
Coronavirus Regional Report - May

This piece brought out a study made by Cambridge University and Imperial College London about the effect of the Covid-19 that can cause damage to the olfactory nerve which extends to the brain and conveys to this function. Even a wider symptoms such as difficulties with memory, language and ability for concentration. It is advisable to everyone to pay attention.
Coronavirus Regional Report - June
While we are reporting about the month of June, the numbers have increased, and I have pointed out on several occasions that if we don’t know the origin and the cause why it was spilled out of the Wuhan lab, the World Health Organization would continue as a dog chasing endlessly for its tail.
Bill Gates already pointed out that during this time of the Covid, the world has lost $14 trillion, and from looking at the way it goes, this will have no end until the world can put a stop to it.
Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and wonder why China is still so persistently pursuing the net-zero Covid policy? Knowing that Wuhan was the epicenter of a pandemic, there must be something that they know and the world doesn’t know. It is almost like a nightmare.
I continue to record it and the purpose is to use it to guide us through the pandemic. We need to protect ourselves and our beloved ones.