Written by : Andrew Sia

This piece is written in the consideration of the many new immigrants that have to start their new lives in a foreign country. Most of them have been driven by political situation, war and the lack of opportunities from their country, and for a change that they have to consider to migrate to start their new life.
Under many circumstance, people are forced to move to a new country to pursue a new life. Most of them will bring along their skills of different levels. Most important the new immigrants are important to have an open mind and be receptive to the new circumstance.
In many cases that the developed countries are benefited by the immigrants from the developing countries. There are many other benefits, such as the merging of the higher skilled migrants can always bring their educational background and also their capital. This group would not add burden to the hosting country’s social benefit system. They would thrive for their living condition. Any hosting countries can host the low-skilled migrants to help them to build their country.
In most cases, the age group of the migrants are in their prime age, the time that they can work and can contribute. They are useful to build the community where they would be settling down. With this age group, they can bring ease to the demographic dilemma in those aging society.
In this instance, I would like to emphasize the waves of the migrants from Hong Kong, the former British Crown Colony until it was handed over to the Chinese government in 1997. The agreement as signed—one country two systems, didn’t live up to the promise for the people of Hong Kong to have their votes of their leader, instead they are all from those preferred appointees from China. And by July 2021, the national security law has been enforced that have put off any hope for Hong Kong’s autonomy. It resulted over 300,000 of the people who have left Hong Kong for the United Kingdom as the British Government honored the British National Overseas passport holders and opened up for more options all for the benefit of drawing the elites to live there.
This can be the beginning of the series talking about how to build up the life in a foreign country. One of the way to survive is to become a self-made business man, an entrepreneur.