Part 1

In this time when everything is lockdown, every holiday is becoming more precious, a gift like the face mask, all of a sudden is becoming very precious and very touching.

At one time the face mask was in shortage and the whole world was looking for it. In this time, we would like to show you what the designers can do with the design for the face mask.

From InDigest, this is their fortieth article.
The original article has 8,226 words and takes 12 minutes to read.Reading Guide
| 01 | The most effective | AIRPOP masks
| 02 | The most Fun | Woobi Play
| 03 | The coolest | AO-AIR Breathing Filter
| 04 | The most Conceptual | AMPHIBIO Garment

The most effective | AIRPOP Mask
When mask can be used as an accessories to allow the wearer to show his/per personality, its protection can become waived. But at this very crucial stage, when the coronavirus happened without any warning, the face mask’s protection and its effectiveness is becoming vitally important. Today, for the most popular design, the first on the chart is from AIRPOP and the products that it has introduced in the market.

“Most of masks are designed for Caucasian faces and often don’t actually seal properly for east Asian faces, most mask-making companies in China simply import all their parameters from the United States, using head-forms based on Western faces.“
Quoted Chris Hosmer
In order to overcome this problem, the founder, Hosmer, and his team together with a researcher from Hong Kong Polytechnic University using all the date to design the shape which fits the Asian head-shape and designed this face mask.

In terms of actual functions, it is not only superior, but also more effective. The filtration rate of the five layer super-strong filter element has reached 99.97% arriving the PM0.3 level. The replaceable filter elements have increased the service life of the mask shell.
The launched masks have many different functional series. The latest intelligent breathing valve masks are even more powerful, reducing the resistance to breathing and increasing the comfort of use.

AIRPOP has won a lot of the design awards which included the RED DOT 2017 Award. And because the company is focusing in the Asian market, its products are sold out through the e-commerce. It is suggested that you should watch AIRPOP from the YouTube.
The most fun | Woobi Play
During any of the public health event takes place, children are becoming the family’s focus. Clean air at the higher attitude may be better, but on the lower level it can be less ideal. Especially for those younger kids, their fragile bodies may easier to get contamination and the virus’s invasion.

Woobi Play has boldly designed a simple new type of protective mask, which have colorful and cartoon shapes and they are more suitable for children , maybe they would not wait to to read the colorful picture books introducing the face mask, but just rush to put them on as soon as they can lay their hand on one.

Woobi Play uses an approved and certified micro high-efficiency particulate arrestance (HEPA) filter, which can protect the wearer from 95 percent of airborne particles. In addition, every Woobi Play material follows sustainable development approach, so it has the least impact on the environment.

Woobi Play is suitable for children above the age of six. For moms who are looking for the face mask, please look for this from the website.

The coolest | AO-Air Filtration Mask
If it is considered as the futuristic design, you can count the design from O2O2 for their air filter respirators which carry the functions of the allergy mask, the anti-pollution mask and even smoke protection. Earlier on, O2O2 Face Mask was featured at the
NYFW ’19 FW for IISE COLLAB and added the cyber look.

This device is a clear mask that goes across the face, covering the mouth and nose. It has incorporated a system of fans and that adapt to the wearer’s breathing and
cleans the air coming through the mask.

AO-AIR was showing at the CES 2020 for the first time, and their way of handling of the air quality looked to be very futuristic.
The most conceptual | AMPHBIO Garment
The final verdict that is facing us is the devastation of the rising of temperature that will melt the ice in the artic that can cause the rising of the water level. It may one day create the drastic change of the function of a city and the people living in it.
And living under water is now possible.

This problem for the human’s existence caused the biomimicry designer and material scientist Jun Kamei to find the way to allow us to live in the Utopia.

“The design form of amphibio garment and mask was inspired by a variety of] different shapes found in aquatic life which would have a detailed surface area, such as gills of fish and certain type of corals with folded shapes.”
Jun Kamei
And when this day will come, the face mask will not only keeps the germs away, or the polluted are particles, but also our respiratory to maintain our life.

To know more about
AMPHIBIO - the Artificial Gills to Breathe Underwater

We thought that it is always possible, or already proved by many attempts, layers and layers of concepts, there will always be the outstanding designers, who will create endlessly, and perhaps after a lot of absurdities, there will be a bright future awaiting for us.

Planning | IAJ & STEAMDesign
Editing | Grace
Composing | Yuki & Lola
I never would have imagined that masks can be designed with features so creative and even futuristic. It was until I have read this article from the InDigest.
The face masks are not only stuffy and hot, especially during the summer which we are entering now, but it is also “uncool”. Wearing of the mask which in the past have to do with the etiquette and for this I have observed the thoughtfulness of the Japanese. Wearing the mask would have meant the person have got flu and would not like to spread the virus around himself or herself.
It was until in 2003, when SARS, severe acute respiratory syndrome, spread out in Hong Kong after a carrier who travelled across Hong Kong and checked in a hotel and the Pandora’s box was opened. It took Hong Kong more than four months to combat with this epidemic and resulted 199 deaths, before everything was quieted down.
Since then, the people of Hong Kong learned the lesson, and when this time the Wuhan virus came, they started to protect themselves by following what they did 18 years ago. Things got worse and it became pandemic and named Covid-19.
For the first two face masks, AIRPOP and Woobi Play, they were created in China, and they were meant for keeping the polluted air from the adults, and the later one was meant for children. Both are with the replaceable filters and are well thought for. I am concerned with the consideration as those disposable face masks, and because of the scale that they are being used, and the wearing of the face masks is becoming mandatory, would ultimately becoming another issue as how they would discompose after being discarded. No one would like to see them as an environmental issue.
The AO Air Filtration Face Mask is so cool and it is designed by the designer from New Zealand. You can place the order and will only get it in July. I am prepared to get for my family and myself.
The last one, the amphibian with the aquatic features, is really futuristic and I have to give it more thoughts. But certainly it is very creative thinking and I’ll look into it.
Andrew Sia