Reform of the Fast Fashion

Written by Andrew Sia
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Fast fashion has given the garment industry a bad reputation especially when we saw the piling of used clothing in the third world country that are causing a lot of problems that are yet to be solved in the future. We talked about recycle, but knowing only a very small percentage has been recycled and reused. Fast fashion is connected with the “short-lived” fashion. This “wear-and-discard” culture should have to be changed, otherwise the goals we set would never be achieved.
I always use the saying, “garbage-in garbage-out” and it is so true. Unless it is something well designed, better made, market to suit the wearer’s purpose, and most important that it can be worn repeatedly and never out of fashion. Would you be precious with something that you bought less than $10 for the sake of any further argument?
The using of the influencers and the KOL is such a mistake. They are so empty and have no vision whatsoever. Business people just put words in their mouths and they would go out there to do the singing and dancing. It is really sad.
How can we put our acts together to combat the climate change issues? I am afraid that it is still a question waiting to be answered.
Together with this, we want to tell you that the Remade’s 2024 Circular Economy Conference will take place April 10-11, 2024, in Washington, D.C., at the National Academy for Science Building. Please visit their website for more information.