| PART 1
What Goes Wrong With China
China’s Shrinking Population
Bangladesh Workers Are Struggling to Get a Living Wage
Port of Colombo’s Strategic Development With US Agency and India’s Adani’s Group
EU is Probing into Investigation to China for Unfair Subsidies
Is China Splitting from the World
Latest Challenges for the Shipping Line Maersk
Hydrogen as an Alternative to Fossil Fuels
Panama Canal in the Maritime Trade
Globalization Under Stress During Holiday
Written by Andrew Sia
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From the Desk of the Publisher

With this report we reported the woes of China; the struggling of the Bangladesh workers for earning a wage that can allow them to live; the shipping lines struggling for the freight cost; and the drought has affecting the water level of Panama Canal.
All these have sounded very gloomy and with the holiday season ahead of us, this will affect our festive mood.
I hope that we can carry more positive news that can encourage us to move ahead into the new year.