| PART 1
Customers Desire for Luxury Brands Have Faded
Nike’s Challenge
Eurozone Shows Low Consumer Confidence
Introducing Adidas’s Marathon Shoe
The World is Going “Less Bling-bling” But More “Cha-ching”
The Latest of the Luxury Market
Zombie Brands Are Being Resurrected
Zombie Malls Are Across the U.S.
Inventory Strategy of Retailers
Retailers Are Getting Ready For The Holiday Season
Retailers Seeing Prices Decreasing
Written by Andrew Sia
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From the Desk of the Publisher

In this piece of writeup, our main focus was on retail. Especially during this time of the year, many retailers are counting on their sales of their line of products. They have already discovered that the customers are looking for those less expensive items. It is even showing from the food and groceries where people are moving for value-oriented and larger packs.
Retailers have learned from the past years during the COVID pandemic, where the supply chain was disrupted and goods were hard to find their way to the store shelves. They applied the “just-in-case” and stock up products whichever they could. They even chartered ships to pick up the products from Asia to beat the congestion at the seaport on the West Coast. What we learned in the earlier years, the “just-in-time” practice had become obsolete during the time.
Now everything is settle down and the market has found its way to serve the market’s need. Going forward, with the combination of the AI application, we may perform better.