Written by Andrew Sia
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In this article, we walked you through the challenge between the manufacturing in the developed countries and the developing countries. Everything is more expensive in the developed industrial countries as the observation of all the ways and means of processing through the production has to be impeccable. With the production in developing countries, the control is often more lax.
For the benefit of human right, labor compliance, and environmental awareness, we can’t ignore the standards we have set for ourselves and neglect for what is taking place in the poorer countries. The need to educate our consumers and using of the QR code for telling the story of the product would be quite important in helping us to achieve this goal.
We have to admit the market is already very challenging and because of the high interest rate and high inflation, the market has moved away from non-essential products to basic products, such as food and other daily products. We have to find the way to attract the consumers back to the bricks and mortar environment and enjoy their shopping. We have to make their shopping more attractive and perhaps more meaningful and moving away from the low price to something of better value that can last longer would be the goal for us to achieve. We hope that we can gain your consensus.