Written by Andrew Sia

Decades ago, the world was less sophisticated than now
You were trained to stay focused and work hard
Researching for in a library can assure you breakthroughs
Looking to improve ourselves in a world where knowledge can carry you through
Computers were for algorithms until personal computers expanded all possibilities
Competition always existed but was more healthier and partnerships were respected
Globalization brought the world closer by adopting synergies
Supply chain was built to optimize more options and opportunities
Special offers, deals, and promotions flooded the market and created deflation
The International Labor Organization oversees inequality in different countries
Compliance organizations send out their inspectors to check the workers’ records
All were focused on the betterment of the developing and underdeveloped countries
All those Silicon Valley narcissists—Steve Jobs, (may God rest his soul), Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, and Jeff Bezos
Who brought online retail, the omnichannel imperative, and Amazon
It started like the story of Aladdin: Once the genie was released, he refused to return to the Wonderful Lamp
Until Congress realized they must be reined in
On the other side of the world, authoritarian China decided to curb their Alibaba and Tencent
Whether knowingly and unknowingly, it trampled entrepreneurship, and power gripped its people, more obvious now than ever
During Covid-19, we learned a hard lesson: We can’t take things for granted
Revisit everything through the COP26 in Glasgow, set near-term and longer-range goals for countries to pay attention to climate change
Work has become hybrid: work-from-home and work-from-office
Everything are pros and cons, and the achievement of jobs and relationships have been put on trial
Through experiments and negotiations, the workplace will be revolutionized
When the pandemic becomes endemic, life can be normalized
Metaverse is a virtual-reality space in which users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users
A virtual world is out there for the new generation to pay more for a brand than it costs in a brick and mortar
Metaverse is a new concept, and the use of our imaginations to create experiences to engage, enlighten, and enthrall
You are the pedestrian in the metaverse and browse all the luxury brands and shop with your virtual wallet
You make virtual friends, each of you have a Starbuck coffee and share a croissant
At the end of the day, you can find that the day to be more sustainable with fewer negative impacts on the environment
But remember that metaverse and what we have created for centuries are parallel universes
We can leave everything to our imaginations, even our wildest fantasy
We are no longer the hamster running on the wheel and will never reaching its goal
The metaverse is waiting for us out there anytime we want to travel there
With all its potential, which is significant to satisfy our quest for thrills with no disbelief
We can drift our mind in this video game and reach Avatar
Inspired by: Imagine by John Lennon

Reykjavik, the Capital of Iceland, where Yoko Ono built the Imagine Peace Tower to commemorate her husband, John Lennon and on the evening of February 24, she lit the light and in the social media she posted:
" Remember, we are all family. Think PEACE, Act PEACE, Spread PEACE, Imagine PEACE. Together, we will shift the axis of the world to PEACE. "
This has also been the protest and the condemnation to Russia’s invasion to Ukraine.