We heard globalization being mentioned in the late 1980s, which fell very much in line with China’s open and reform policy in 1978. In 2018, China celebrated its 40th anniversary. …
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India, emerging as a major global player, is the focus of this article from our continuing series on developing manufacturing hubs from South and Southeast Asia. Find out the history, …
Publisher Andrew Sia profiles Indonesia as part of this ongoing series of South and Southeast Asian countries, including geography, population, and economics as they pertain to a country’s potential as …
Introduction We remember Bangladesh when Dhaka, its capital, was in the headlines on April 24th, 2014 when the Rana Plaza collapsed, leaving more than 1,130 deaths and more than 2,500 …
沿著印度洋沿岸,我們現在來到坦桑尼亞,它是東非的一個國家。 這個名字來自坦噶尼喀和桑給巴爾兩個州,它們創造了坦桑尼亞的名稱。 “坦噶尼喀”來自斯瓦希里語,“Tanga”的意思是“帆”,“nyika”的意思是“原野”,將兩者結合在一起,我們就有“在原野中航行”。 “Zanzibar”來自“Zenji”,當地人的名字,意為“黑色”,阿拉伯語“barr”意為海岸或者岸邊。 1963年10月29日,該國被命名為坦桑尼亞聯合共和國,其中“Tan”來自坦噶尼喀,“Zan”來自桑給巴爾。 像許多其他非洲國家一樣,坦桑尼亞擁有豐富的早期文明歷史,當你閱讀時,你會感覺到非常吸引。
介紹 在本期中,我們將使用非洲的各種地圖向你介紹這個大陸,我們相信一張圖片勝過千言萬語,沒有什麼更可以比使用地圖為你提供更多信息和更好的方式來描述非洲。 我們想按以下的次序來開始介紹:
Special Knowledge of the Materials and Accessories for Intimate Apparel – Basic Embroidery
Need to know the basics and what goes into intimate apparel design? This informative article focuses on the basics of embroidery, how it’s different from lace, and its importance in …
Publisher Andrew Sia profiles Vietnam as part of his ongoing series that provides detailed information on South and Southeast Asian countries, including geography, population, and economics as they pertain to …
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