We heard globalization being mentioned in the late 1980s, which fell very much in line with China’s open and reform policy in 1978. In 2018, China celebrated its 40th anniversary.…
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David Morris takes us the thorough the process of drafting the patterns for the very successful non-wired sports bra from Panache.
There is no universal bra grading system so our industry relies on good previous practice. See how its done!
French fashion designer Pierre Cardin was born Pietro Cardin in Treviso, Italy on July 2, 1922. His parents were wealthy landowners who, in 1924, left Italy to escape fascism and…
The method of intractely weaving delicate textiles for lingerie construction was the result of in-depth experimental textile exploration and development in response to a very common inspirational source. Architecture. However,…
自文明的早期階段開始,人類開始燃燒木材和生物質,直到森林砍伐成為威脅,人們開始轉向燃燒化石油,使用傳統生物質作為燃料始於79萬年前。 在採化石油和煤礦耗儘後的一天,使用化石油和煤將停止,然後回到風力發電,水力發電,太陽能發電,這些也可以追溯到幾千年前,雖然它們可能不是很可靠,但它們將再次變得重要。 今天世界的主要能源消耗及其來源可參考下圖。
自中國國家主席習近平宣布以來,這一範圍已變得更寛闊,它已擴展到通往南美洲的“太平洋絲綢之路”,它更已進入北極,被稱為“冰上絲綢之路”,“海上絲綢之路”是連接中國港口一直到威尼斯的航線,“絲綢之路經濟帶”是整個大陸從中國東部到斯堪的納維亞半島的鐵路和公路網。 到目前為止,中國在BRI項目上的預算估計為2000億美元。 到目前為止,至少有68個國家相互關聯,佔世界人口的近三分之二,所有項目的資金部分來自中國的銀行和國有企業,它宣布未來幾年它將在全球數百個項目上花費1萬億美元,在最後階段它可能是8萬億美元,在這種情況下,BRI真的是令人頭腦發漲。 穿越內陸國家,中巴經濟走廊及其相關項目的走廊已經擁有680億美元的價格標籤,成為BRI的頭號冠軍。
David Morris shows us the technique of masking and drafting on the 34B stand using the “shoe lasting” method favored by shoe designers.
Ten years ago (2006) I was approached by an engineer from the science park in Cambridge UK, to design a harness to hold a sensing monitor that recorded and transmitted…