Andrew Sia
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From the Desk of the Publisher
In my July 2023 Issue I wrote:
“When I learned about the passing of David in May, immediately I said to myself that I should write something about this person who had been so important to our industry, and besides he was a friend to many of us. At the same time I lit a candle for David as a fond remembrance of David.
David inspired us to extend the learning of contour design to the eastern part of the world and education has laid the foundation for the industry to flourish. Without his visit there would not have created the skillset the industry would need.
David passed away on February 11, 2023 and I am sure that David is missed by many of us.”
It was since our April 2014 when we first started our journal, we began to feature the technical articles from David Morris’s Intimate Apparel Technical Journal (IATJ). David Morris was the professor who was teaching the intimate apparel course at the De Montfort University. He was associated with our journal and at that time which was named as Intimate Apparel Journal (IAJ). David was our associate for the technical sector, and through him, our journal featured: basic bra training; examples from brands; product development; product knowledge, market knowledge; sports product; swim product; software application and vintage lingerie. The training was so comprehensive and it was also one of the main sectors of our journal until 2019.

Having said all these, we feel that it is time for us to return to our origin days. We hope that the intimate apparel knowledge can be picked up once again by the industry. This is very essential for any up and coming bra designers to apply on their design work. I hope that David’s work can be used as the beacon for our industry.
Moving forward, we would want to revive the industry and would republish those articles that can be considered as legendary. We begin to look into David’s achieve and wish to share his knowledge with those who look forward to learn more about intimate apparel technical knowledge from David.
David worked and shared all his knowledge up until the last moment of his life. He is well remembered and missed by the industry. We can collectively say that, “David, we miss you, and you can rest your head now.”