MAY 2023
Written by Andrew Sia
From the Desk of the Publisher

Although the World Health Organization has not advice that the COVID-19 has become as endemic, we have observed that people have lowered their precaution and life has return to normal.
We continue to remind the people to take into their serious consideration and build their foresight before another pandemic may hit us.
The infection is still continuing and we have found people around us are still under the threat. We have not to lower our guard.
Looking back, we have been reporting the coronavirus since March 2020 and throughout the period we have made some changes with our reporting format. The present format can probably be the most informative.
We may make the June report as the last report and then we will decide the reporting format that we may use. Perhaps we will do the reporting on the quarterly basis instead of the monthly report. We will still do our weekly recording for the cases just to be alert and keep an watchful eye on the whole matter.