Written by Andrew Sia
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In this report, we grouped the months of July, August and September to compile all the numbers to allow us to have a better understanding how the pandemic has evolved. The new cases are not growing and also the death rate. But this doesn’t mean that the virus is going away. In fact in the past three months we have seen the EG.5 and also the BA.2.86 both are new variants.
We have also discovered more and more countries are not reporting their COVID cases and that can create the inaccuracy of those reports. They just consider that it is unimportant anymore as if we controlled too much, it would cause more disruptions to our daily lives.
Lately, we have many climatic issues that are giving the world enough challenges and I can understand sometimes the frustration with the COVID as it has dragged on for a long time since the beginning of 2020.
At the closing of this report, I have chosen to comment about the challenge we have with our medical system. There are more deaths that can be avoided for instance from those in the cancer wards or other medical cases. It is undeniable that attention has been focused on COVID and have created overlook of other medical issues. I consider that this has been the most unfortunate.