Written by Andrew Sia

The coronavirus pandemic is entering into its fourth year, but with the announcement from Xi Jinping on December 7 for the abandon of his zero-Covid campaign, this has caused a Tsunami for the Covid cases. Its further announcement for travelers to enter or to leave China after January 8 will exempt from all the necessary protocols. More and more countries come to realize the seriousness of this threat and precaution at the borders are taking place, such as the refusal of entry for the Chinese travelers in their countries.
In fact, this will need to be strictly observed as it can remind us for what happened in January 2020 where hundreds of thousands of Chinese citizens traveled to the four corners of the globe and brought with them the Wuhan virus as it was called during the time. Since then the world has been thrown into the turmoil and its scope never seen in human history before.
We are uncertain for what is in front of us now as the coronavirus will be very likely to be mutated before it can be controlled. Entering into its fourth year, we have to take once again the precaution, and this time perhaps more strict than ever.