Written by Andrew Sia
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When I was preparing the writeup of this article, my heart turned very heavy. Lately the economy of China has not been performing very well due to various reasons that I am not going to repeat here. Xi Jinping is trying to reverse the downward situation but it has caused more trade frictions with the western world. With the predecessors as led by Deng Xiaoping and what they built in the last 35 years before Xi came in power are wiped out significantly by this authoritarian regime. He has forgotten what they taught him but tried to establish his paramount. This has led to distrust from the western world and cut back of investment in China.
In this article you can read China is all out in competition and this is not helping under any situation, especially when the country’s economy is in a downturn mode.
It is disheartening to read that the tech companies have barred the Chinese investors to enter, the state of Florida prohibits Chinese citizens from buying home properties, and there are more than 30 states that are considering to take the same action. This is no longer the China we know unfortunately.
What can we do except to hold our breathe and see what it would lead us.