Written by Andrew Sia
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As the world’s second largest economy, anything that happens to China can bring enormous effect on the free world. Its “new three” industry—electric vehicles, solar energy production and lithium is going to become its turbo engine for economy.
The scary part is that, not only China wants to lead the “green exports”, but also those low-priced products. Very soon many jobs will be disappearing.
When the West slapped the imported import tariffs, China would be screaming protectionism. I hope that something must have to work out here to make for co-existence of the two extreme worlds.
We brought up autonomous driving and it is an important arena for future development. Would there be the chance for developing the technology together? I read a while ago that if this is going to take place, many of the truckdrivers would be out of job. We need to strike a balance there.
Last and not the least, those numbers released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China ought to be more accurate and credible. It will help to understand the world’s economic situation.