2021 APRIL
April to December 2021
Written by: Andrew Sia
April to June 2021
The world has been shut down for over a year now and this has affected many businesses and people’s lives, but this is far from over. From everywhere we look, every business we inspect, the impact is not only big but severe. We haven’t seen any business conference or meeting; all the traveling has been grounded and the hospitality industry is in shamble. Everything is done through tele-conference and carry out in virtual.
In this issue, we still try to list every trade show that we know and hopefully by the digital and virtual arrangement by the organizers, the market will still find them useful. Our heart is very heavy for the show organizers and we don’t know how long they can hold their position as it must be a very difficult period of them to have gone through in the last 14 months. Unfortunately, the future doesn’t look promising either.
We tried our best to provide all kinds of information and hope that they can be useful.
We will still list those public holidays in the selective countries for your reference. Although we can’t travel to those countries, they can still be used as a reference.
US in green
Hong Kong blue
France in red
UK in orange
Canada in dark green
April 2021
April 22, Thursday – Earth Day
US Holidays
April 2, Friday – Good Friday
Hong Kong Holidays
April 2-5, Friday to Monday – Easter Holidays
April 4, Sunday Ching Ming Festival
French Holidays
April 4-5, Sunday to Monday, – Easter Holidays
UK Holidays
April 2-5, Friday to Monday – Easter Holidays
Canadian Holidays
April 2, Friday – Good FridaY

April 19-21, Monday to Wednesday
Shenzhen International Underwear Fair (SIUF)
SIUF promotes itself as the most important intimate apparel show in the southern part of China. It is occupying 73,000 square meters of fairground, 800 exhibitors and 130,000 visitors. It is their 15th edition.
May 2021
US Holidays
May 9, Sunday – Mother’s Day
May 31, Monday – Memorial Day
Hong Kong Holidays
May 1, Friday – Labor Day
May 19, Wednesday, Birthday of Buddha
French Holidays
May 1, Saturday – May Day and Labor Day
May 8, Saturday – Victory in Europe Day
May 24, Monday – Whit Monday
May 31, Thursday – Ascension Day
UK Holidays
May 3, Monday – Early May Bank Holiday
May 31, Monday – Spring Bank Holiday
Canton Fair Spring 2021 Phase 3
The famous Canton Fair has been held biannually in Guangzhou since 1957. It is in its 128th show. It is the trade fair with the widest range of products and the longest history. It has been used as the gateway to China for the foreign trade.
At one time, the Canton Spring Fair was held for the whole month of April, but now it is broken into 3 phases. The last phase is dedicated to fashion and beauty, apparel, leather, sportswear, textiles and fabrics.
It announced that because of the pandemic, its last show, the 128th Canton Fair was held online. There is no news yet for its 128th show.

May 1-5, Saturday to Wednesday
(not confirmed)
May Market Week – New York
May 2 – 7, Sunday to Friday
June 2021
US Holidays
June 20, Sunday – Summer begins
June 20, Sunday – Father’s Day
Hong Kong Holidays
June 14, Monday, Dragon Boat Festival
EXPOSED – Lingerie, Swimwear, Resortwear & Accessories Trade Show

June 25 – 27, 2021 Friday to Sunday
Swimwear and Lingerie gathering will take place in June 25-27 2021 Friday to Sunday
in the center of Paris.