Author : Sandra Burke
Report by : Andrew Sia

Fashion Entrepreneur: Starting Your Own –Fashion Business
Fashion Design Series – Book 4
By: Sandra Burke
Available at Amazon at $26.32
More books by Sandra Burke and information from fashionbooks.info
Book 1: Fashion Designer – Concept to Collection
Book 2: Fashion Artist – Drawing Techniques to Portfolio Presentation
Book 3: Fashion Computing – Design Techniques and CAD
This is the most difficult time that I have ever experienced. I think that most of us will agree as all my friends, except the professionals that I have engaged, are coming from the fashion industry. They can be along the whole supply chain but ultimately, they are still serving the industry.
I am now living in the US and I have first-hand knowledge about the US situation, whether it is the retail and the brands, or the servicing industry and the country’s general situation. I know that the market would need to be regulated, but I would not have expected it to come so quickly. The pandemic came upon us like the thieves in the darkest night. Unfortunately, we are still in the middle of it.
Now that the whole retail landscape has changed. The stores in the US had been ordered to close on March 8 and although some of them have opened partially, it is found that everything is different from before. People in retail are either furloughed or fired.
If you roll back, from the upper end of the supply chain, mills stopped, garment factories halted, finished orders stopped, orders cancelled, payment suspended. To many of us, this is swallowing us.
I am recommending this book to help us to reposition ourselves, forget for the moment of the limelight, the glamorous, the wolf whistles and applauds, the honor, we are here and I would recommend you to use this as the survival kit.
First of all, you must be ready to take the risk and be able to think out of the box. It is because the definition of an entrepreneur stands for someone who knows how to organize and operate a business, and ready to take on greater financial risk and be able to be successful in the end.
This is a golden opportunity now as all of those who are on the crossroad of your career that the job opportunities out there are very scarce. The big corporations are totally bashed by this change of business orders and nothing can now be played by the book. It is time to reposition yourself and take off and pursue your destination.
This book is not only for business starters but also for those who want to diversify their business activities by going downstream. For the manufacturers, I would suggest you to diversify your product line and also to own your own brands and venture yourself into direct marketing. It the time to make a change and to hold your own destiny in your hand. At this crisis, you can identify who is your business partner and who is not. By the time this nightmare is over, those in the corporate world should have gone through the turmoil that they might have been beyond recognition. Learn to become your own master and provide your product and service directly to the end customers. Remember that brick-and-mortar is cannibalized by e-commerce, and e-commerce is going to be replaced by social commerce, or we can start to call it s-commerce. You can market your product line through Facebook Instagram, and Pinterest.
Another thing that I found fascinating with this book is the illustrations. I shared with you the examples.